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SQLite WordPress Integration Sees Light in Performance Lab


The 5-minute WordPress install is known for its simplicity. WordPress runs on two key components: PHP and MySQL. Both of these services come preinstalled in most hosting accounts. Just get PHP connected to MySQL and you’re in business.

But imagine if you only need PHP.

Without MySQL, a separate program for managing your WordPress database, managing a WordPress site may become even more simple than before.

Pretty soon, this may be a reality.

Here are the basic facts:

  • An experimental SQLite module will appear in the upcoming version of WordPress performance lab plugin (version 1.8.0)
  • Many WordPress users are discussing what this could mean for the future of WordPress
  • SQLite can provide a smaller, more efficient data storage system for basic sites (like small blogs and informational sites with a few static pages)
  • There are still a few downsides for using SQLite for larger, more complicated sites
  • No site will be required to use SQLite, but there is discussion to integrate it in WordPress core as an alternative to MySQL

Background – What is SQLite, and why does it matter for WordPress?

SQLite is a file-based database system that’s gaining popularity in the WordPress community, and it looks like it could be a replacement for MySQL. SQLite doesn’t require any special server setup or configuration–just a file that contains all of your data.

It may not be an exact replacement for MySQL yet, but it’s a step closer to a simpler WordPress install. With SQLite, you don’t need to worry about setting up a MySQL database or configuring it for your site–all you need is the SQLite file to store your data.

Some of the downsides of using SQLite include the fact that it’s not as reliable or secure as MySQL, and the size of your site could become an issue. But for many people, SQLite is a great solution for basic sites–and if you just need to run PHP, this could be the perfect option.

To try out the new SQLite module in the performance lab plugin, keep an eye out for the next release. And bear in mind, this is an experimental integration, so there may be bugs. But that’s part of the fun of trying out new features.


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