Next Place, a Real Estate Search Engine Trusts Liquid Web with Hosting


Next Place
The house-hunting process can be an exhausting one, especially if you’re using more than one of the numerous search engines that are available. Next Place is looking to improve that experience, at least for those in the Australian real estate market. A real estate search engine, Next Place has separated itself from the competition by providing all of the available Australian and New Zealand properties into one easy-to-use site. Their success has garnered attention, particularly from the likes of their new investors John Corrie of Morgans Stockbroking and Michael Millner, Deputy Chairman of the publicly listed Brickworks Limited (ASX:BKW). Those investments have Next Place looking forward to developing even more rapidly.

The recent investments in are a testament to the growth they have seen in the Australian real estate market, where they have become a disruptive force among their competitors. Next Place stands out in the market with their unique website offering two main search features.

  • Draw Your Search – allowing users to draw out a specific area in which they would like to find a property.
  • Simple Language Search – allowing users to use “plain english” phrases, numeric values and the minus symbol to exclude features.

Read the Case StudyWe provided Next Place with many advantages including reliable infrastructure, access to our 24/7/365 Heroic Support, proactive monitoring, software and database services, high availability, managed engineering, and scalability planning. Our technicians worked with the Next Place team to build their hosting environment on the Liquid Web Storm Platform, which allows them to easily maintain their fast and comprehensive real estate service. Read our Next Place Case Study to learn more about the details behind their hosting environment. Our Storm Platform provides them with the ability to instantly create and destroy instances, providing them with a neverending stream of new deployments crawling 400% more agent websites than they were previously able to reach. This, in addition to the excellent support and hosting advice Next Place has received, has made Liquid Web extremely valuable to Director Dan Tarasenko.

“It seems that these engineers can see around corners and quite often advise me on — or implement solutions to — my problems before they even appear,” Tarasenko said.

We’re excited to be working with Next Place as they continue to grow and take the Australian real estate market by storm.

About the Author

Kerri Molitor

Kerri Molitor has more than 6 years of experience in Marketing, Communications, and Journalism. Her goal at Liquid Web is to create real, valuable content that helps our current and potential customers. Her passions include writing content that engages with our customers in a personal way and helps ease their pain points.


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