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Meet a Helpful Human – Caleb Hugo


Responsive, helpful, and dedicated in ways automation simply can’t be. We’re your team.

Each month, we recognize one of our Most Helpful Humans in Hosting®.

Caleb Hugo - Helpful Human
“I like being a part of the mechanics that make the internet possible. It’s the Gutenberg revolution of our age, and I’m thrilled to be a part of it.”

Meet Caleb Hugo

Caleb Hugo didn’t start in tech. After earning an MA in music composition from Michigan State University, his tech journey began in 2015. As a Quality Analyst in automation, Hugo was in a position to learn about the tech industry and eventually waded into front-end development. Now he brings his passions and talents to Liquid Web as a Software Development Engineer.

Why did you join Liquid Web?

After considering job offers from Liquid Web and another, larger company, I settled on Liquid Web partly because I’ve always wanted to work for a smaller company. I love the relaxed culture and openness that comes along with that territory. But also, Liquid Web already had a reputation with me for being a very comfortable and open-minded working environment. I knew I could do my best work here, which has been the case since day one.

What draws you to the hosting industry as a career?

I like being a part of the mechanics that make the Internet possible. It’s the Gutenberg revolution of our age, and I’m thrilled to be a part of it.

Is there something specific about Liquid Web you just love?

I’ve always been allowed to work on my own time and at my own pace. Liquid Web cares more about the quality of my work than where, when, or how I produce it. It’s one of few companies like this.

What’s your favorite part about the company culture at Liquid Web?

Care is given where it matters. No one is putting on a facade to make a good impression. This makes it very easy to know what is really on everyone’s mind and facilitates better, faster decision-making, all in service of the customer.

In your eyes, what’s the difference between Liquid Web and other employers?

It is often said that the only real resource we have is time, but I don’t think that’s quite right. The resource is actually attention, and you can tell what a company cares about by seeing where most of the attention is. At Liquid Web, all of the attention is given to where it matters. Instead of giving attention to where/when/how I built something, the attention is given to whether or not what I built best serves our customers. So at Liquid Web, I have the opportunity not only to do my best work but also to do the right work.

What is the biggest milestone you’ve accomplished?

Rewriting the deployment pipeline for my.liquidweb.com was a major accomplishment. It was beyond the everyday writing of javascript and helped me learn a lot more about the industry.

What are you known for at Liquid Web? What do people specifically come to you for?

Testing! Having started out as a quality analyst – automation, I have been writing automated tests since before I knew how to code. Writing tests is my favorite part of being a developer.

Work aside, what are some of your hobbies?

I enjoy cooking, nutrition, brain science, and philosophy, to name a few hobbies. Music is still a part of my life but has become a hobby. I’ve still done a bit of writing, teaching, and playing in various capacities. However, I’m in that stage of life where very young children occupy most of my affection and, of course, time! Once my kids are old enough, I’m sure we’ll start a band.

What is your favorite TV show?

​​I love Agents of Shield because it’s a well-plotted sci-fi action adventure with rich character development and hilarious comic relief. That pretty much checks all of my boxes for a TV series!

If you could have dinner with one famous person [dead or alive], who would it be?

​​I would like to have dinner with Dietrich Bonhoeffer because he was both an intellectual giant and a humble spiritual guide who proved his convictions were authentic through the ultimate sacrifice. Engaging with a personality like that would be life-changing.

We hope you enjoyed our series, and stay tuned for the next Helpful Human profile.


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