Beamable, a social gaming platform software company for developers, decided to utilize a highly customized, hybrid environment to host their popular social game, Game of Thrones Ascent. The role-playing game has seen incredible growth on Liquid Web’s Cloud Dedicated Platform and will see even more as the iPad version of the game is launched in the near future.
Disruptor Beam approached Liquid Web nehttps://www.beamable.com/eding a highly specialized platform to develop and operate a game that was expected to have immediate popularity and high user saturation upon launch. And indeed, Game of Thrones Ascent was met with immediate success as the first ever social game based on the book series by George R. R. Martin and the popular HBO television series. Not only was the game immensely popular upon launch, but they expect to gain another 1-2 million installs when the tablet version of the game is released, possibly as fast as within the first 10 days. Our Cloud Dedicated Hosting has been key to its rapid growth and will help sustain future growth because of the power and scalability necessary to develop and execute the game.
Among Disruptor Beam’s requirements for the game were fast and expandable storage, redundancy, and fault tolerance. Our technicians worked with Disruptor Beam to develop a custom, hybrid environment that met all of these requirements and more. The environment combines:
- Dedicated application servers equipped with SSD drives
- Cloud servers with on-demand scalability
- Dedicated load balancers to provide redundancy and fault tolerance
Our solution allows Disruptor Beam to test and develop in an environment separate from the game’s production functions. It also keeps the game’s operations leaner and more cost-effective than a traditional hosting environment.
CEO and Founder of Disruptor Beam Jon Radoff said Liquid Web’s on-site, 24/7/365 Support has allowed them to make changes or attend to any potential troubleshooting quickly and seamlessly.
“What’s worked well for us at Liquid Web is the combination of dedicated servers for mission-critical, custom systems along with cloud-based nodes that we can scale up/down as needed,” Radoff said. “[Liquid Web’s Support] is something we could not take for granted. We need to make changes on the fly. Liquid Web’s ability to offer that played a big part in our decision.”
See more about the story of how Liquid Web helped Disruptor Beam in our case study.
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