Cloud Dedicate SSD: Our Most Powerful Servers, Now Faster


Our proprietary Cloud Dedicated Hosting servers have already developed a strong reputation for blending the power of managed dedicated hosting with the flexibility of the cloud. Now imagine that power, only even faster and more reliable. This is the reality of our new solid state storage Cloud Dedicated servers!

By introducing SSD to our new lineup, we have set the industry benchmark for I/O speeds, eclipsing our own record held by 96GB Cloud Dedicated Hosting servers.

Benefits of SSD

  • Unrivaled database performance
  • High I/O performance, eliminating starved CPU states
  • Eliminate “bottleneck” effect
  • Increased power, speed and performance
  • Full redundancy
  • Reduced I/O queues

Cloud Dedicated with SSD raises the ceiling of what was previously considered “fast” in any line of servers. In a recent benchmarking test, using SSD 12GB performed 4K Sequential Write at 225,000 IOPS. By contrast, an 8GB Cloud Dedicated Server performed the test at 15,000 IOPS with Amazon EC2 m1.large cloud clocking in at 4,900. This is the level of performance our users will come to expect from a product designed to use the lowest possible server load and maximize your performance.

Complete Test Results

Testing performed using iozone3_398 with the following command line options on each server instance: iozone -l 32 -O -i 0 -i 1 -i 2e -+n -r 4K -s 4G

Testing performed using iozone3_398 with the following command line options on each server instance: iozone -l 32 -i 0 -i 1 -i 2 -e -+n -r 4K -s 2G

The marriage of dedicated power, cloud flexibility and SSD’s unmatched speed creates an environment that virtually eliminates the “bottleneck” effect of inbound and outbound data and offers our users a previously unavailable performance. This is an entirely unique hosting environment that stands as a new go-to solution for users utilizing frequently accessed information, large read-intensive databases, and any other enterprise application in which the lightning fast read/write speeds in a flexible, high-performance environment will distinguish your project from the pack.

We can’t wait to witness the new level of performance our users will achieve with this exciting new feat in hosting! See our Cloud Dedicated Servers today!


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