Chooses Liquid Web for Hosting


According to the team behind the online community CrazyEngineers, it is engineers with crazy ideas that will change the world – and they prefer the word crazy, not insane. Crazy gives a positive spin to engineering, and the team encourages all of their members to strive for dreams that others may consider whacky. After meeting their team, we knew CrazyEngineers was a perfect fit for Liquid Web. Using our platform, the startup has been able to grow into able to grow into one of the largest and most successful engineering sites in the world.

The startup, which began in November 2005, has evolved into a popular destination for engineering professionals and students around the globe to exchange innovative ideas, share knowledge and otherwise help each other. With engineers from very diverse backgrounds, they are able to offer new and different perspectives for those who need it. They welcome anyone with an interest in engineering and technology as a member, regardless of their education level or profession, and currently have thousands of members from over 180 countries.

The goal of their online community, which is to connect engineers and help them work constructively on projects, has been able to grow even more with the help of Liquid Web. CrazyEngineers switched to Liquid Web after a negative experience with another host. With so many positive reviews for Liquid Web and how quickly we answered his questions, Founder & CEO Kaustubh Katdare decided to make the switch. We provided Katdare and CrazyEngineers with a reliable infrastructure, access to our 24/7/365 Heroic Support and Proactive Monitoring, software and databases services, high availability and scalability planning. Katdare says that our Heroic Support was what originally attracted him to Liquid Web.

“On several occasions [the Heroic Support] has gone out of the way to help,” Katdare explained. “I think it reflects your culture – and that keeps me glued to your company.”

We’re proud to support CrazyEngineers in their efforts to connect engineers across the globe!


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