Celebrating Customer Relationships: Our 5 Favorite Customer Support Stories


Celebrating Customer Relationships
This Valentine’s Day we’re celebrating our customers (that’s YOU!). We know our customers depend on our services to keep their businesses running and that’s something we don’t take for granted. To commemorate the special customer relationships we’ve built, we talked to a few of our support techs to hear about their favorite customer interactions over the years. The stories we heard often required the techs to go above and beyond our traditional services – we call this “Beyond Scope Support” – and sometimes the questions our callers had didn’t even relate to the web hosting industry! However, we are devoted to helping all of our customers. In the interest of lending a helping hand our technicians have done some pretty extraordinary things to keep the Heroic – and Valentine – spirit alive.

  1. Digging For Data

    Lost data is bad, but it’s even worse when an old partner is the one who deleted that data. Unfortunately, one customer had all of his data deleted out of spite by an ex-partner. Desperate, he called Liquid Web for help, hoping beyond hope that we would find a way to recover what he’d lost. It looked unlikely at first that we would be able to help since even the customer’s backups were gone, until our support tech found an old external backup server. The support tech found the server by tracing some information deeper and deeper into a series of logs and was even able to piece together the password for entry. At the end of the day, all that digging for data led to one very relieved customer.

  2. Recipe Swapping

    Often during conversations with customers, our support techs find themselves making new friends. After solving one customer’s issue, our support tech learned about the customer’s affinity in the kitchen. The ensuing brief conversation ended in recipe swapping – and a happy customer. We also have it on good authority that the recipe our support tech received was delicious!

  3. Have A Drink On Me

    When particularly difficult issues arise, we encourage our support techs to work as long as they need to on the issue to solve it for the customer. When one customer lost data due to a broken update, a few of our support technicians stayed many hours past their shift to solve the issue. When the data was recovered, the customer was so grateful he sent a surprise gift the next day: a thank-you bottle of scotch.

  4. Tractor Parts R US

    Sometimes we have people who call in confused about the services Liquid Web offers. One of our support techs answered a call from a man who needed to find a specific part number … for his John Deere tractor. Once the support tech realized the man had called the wrong number, he kindly provided the man with John Deere’s website, phone number, and even looked up the part number he was looking for in the first place. Definitely above and beyond!

  5. Can I Have Your Number?

    Web hosting is an industry that not everyone understands, and we occasionally get phone calls from people who assume a company that hosts websites is also a directory of online information. One support technician had such a call from someone who needed the phone number for a local plumber. The technician, realizing the caller had confused Liquid Web for an Internet directory, simply looked up the number and provided it. The caller was grateful and our support tech was happy to help.

We’re happy to take all of your phone calls and emails regarding any topic because we love our customers and value the relationships we’ve built with them. If you have a question regarding our services, feel free to pick up the phone (800-580-4985), send an email, or start a LiveChat. We’ll be more than happy to talk to you!

Happy Valentine’s Day, customers!

About the Author

Kerri Molitor

Kerri Molitor has more than 6 years of experience in Marketing, Communications, and Journalism. Her goal at Liquid Web is to create real, valuable content that helps our current and potential customers. Her passions include writing content that engages with our customers in a personal way and helps ease their pain points.


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