Storm Block Storage Increases Performance


After hearing our customers express a desire for a reliable and redundant block storage solution, we set out to engineer a solution versatile enough for any project. What emerged was SBS (Storm Block Storage): cost-effective storage volumes that are completely separate from your hosting environment and can be unlocked in just a few clicks. With the freedom to scale all the way up to 15 TB, Storm Block Storage is capable of rocketing any project into the realm of high performance and added redundancy.

Benefits of Storm Block Storage:

  • Grow up to 15 TB in Seconds
  • Create & Destroy Storage as Needed
  • Attach & Detach Storage Volumes from Servers
  • Choose the Exact Size You Require
  • Highly Available & Redundant Storage
  • Create Storage Volumes up to 15 TB
  • Connect to One or More Servers
  • Instantly Provision Storage
  • Persistent Data Availability
  • Independent Storage for Custom Scalability
  • Off-server Backup Capability
  • Segregated Environments for Development
  • No Bandwidth or IOPs Charges for SBS

Taking cues from our customers’ successes and failures with previously launched block storage products, we engineered SBS across a distributed platform. This provides a superior user experience when utilizing nearly any block storage application by allowing for consistent I/O throughput. In addition to improved performance, SBS users will also save time and resources by not having to RAID together volumes to achieve peak functionality. Additionally, SBS delivers unrivaled peace of mind in the event of failure as your storage volume can be attached to a new server immediately without having to wait for recovery or data to copy to the new server.

Storm Block Storage can be employed to…

…serve as independent storage for custom scalability.
…provide an additional backup option for projects where you cannot afford to lose data.
…segregate environments for development.
…provide a litany of additional benefits unique to how you choose to use it.

How will you use Storm Block Storage? Let us know!

About the Author

Kerri Molitor

Kerri Molitor has more than 6 years of experience in Marketing, Communications, and Journalism. Her goal at Liquid Web is to create real, valuable content that helps our current and potential customers. Her passions include writing content that engages with our customers in a personal way and helps ease their pain points.


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