Meet One of Our Helpful Humans of Hosting at Liquid Web


The Most Helpful Humans in Hosting live at Liquid Web, pursuing excellence in service and growth intellectually every single day. They make a difference in both customers and each others’ lives. They are your caring hosting experts.

Meet one of our Helpful Humans:

Meet Tim

Tim Devlin is truly dedicated to Liquid Web. After retiring from a career in IT and having run his own ISP, he was challenged by some ex-colleagues to come to Liquid Web. Not only did he accept the challenge, but he moved from the Lansing Headquarters to the San Antonio office to head up the new Linux team.

Tim is making a huge difference both at Liquid Web and with our customers.

Helpful Humans Tim Devlin

Q: Is there something specific at Liquid Web that you just love?

A: Yes, my team, the leadership team, pretty much all the people at Liquid Web. It’s more like being part of a large family than just a bunch of people who happen to work together. Everyone is extremely supportive. People genuinely care about each other. They have each other’s backs and all “row in the same direction” rather than different or random directions. This runs from the senior leadership on down to the front line administrators.

Q: In your eyes, what’s the difference between Liquid Web and other employers?

A: The passion, Liquid Web is passionate about everything we do. That culture really sets us apart from the rest of the hosting providers and even other industries.

Q: Tell us more about your move down to San Antonio to head up the new Linux team.

A: A position opened on a newly created Linux team in San Antonio, which was perfect because we have family down there, and I eagerly jumped on board. It turned out to be a fantastic move, as I was given a fresh opportunity to really push the envelope with the team. We have managed to be at the top or near the top of performance for the support department from day one. We take it very, very seriously that each customer counts on us to keep a core aspect of their business working correctly.
All of that has been very fulfilling and rewarding, and I cannot see myself ever leaving Liquid Web. I truly love what I do on Team Salsa (San Antonio Linux System Administrators. Yep, we named our team.).

Q: Tell us about a truly rewarding experience you’ve had with a customer.

A: I recall helping a customer who was very frustrated, he had been having issues for quite some time, I was able to get his long-running issue resolved in time for a major media push which was very successful. He was so happy, he became a customer for life.

Q: What are you known for at Liquid Web? What do people specifically come to you for?

A: In the San Antonio office, I’m known as the guy who knows how to find the answer to just about anything. Given my seven and a half year tenure with the company, and being in Lansing for so long, people come to me to find out who they need to talk to get their issues resolved. I help connect others.

Q: Work aside, what are some of your hobbies?

A: Gaming, Sci-Fi (think Babylon 5), Fantasy, Movies, Traveling

Q: What is your nickname at Liquid Web and why?

A: “The Troll” (fun type, not mean type). It came about from me always trying to interject fun into the daily routine with the team. I tease people in jest to keep things laid back so everyone remembers not to take things too seriously. It keeps the team at their best.

You can follow Tim on Twitter or LinkedIn.
We hope you enjoyed our series, and stay tuned for the next Most Helpful Human in Hosting profile.


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